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a1、師父簡介 master introdution My mother’s words |
1、有道師父,真道相傳,永久懷念。 |
2、師父是家母:家母啟蒙、傳道、授業、解惑、生涯規劃之概念。家母:李張氏宜。 是古代「先生媽」具有骨科、婦科、小兒科、心理、宗教、禪學之智慧。及中藥、青草藥之專家。(可能是六祖老師及華陀老師的門徒)? 先生媽:古代的女中醫師。(她是位行腳醫生、無論看病及接生都是無料,免費服務到家)。 3、師父的師父:李家教是後學的祖父:清朝的中醫師。 4、有道母親,真道教導!天地母愛!母親八歲年紀,原本是外雙溪,張家魚販人氏,入李家童養媳。 My mother taught us disciple and principles of life.My mother's origin is wai-shang-ci. She came from the Zhang's family whom sold fish for a living. When my mother was eight years old, she entered the Lee's and became a child-bride (bride to be one of the Lee's sons) My mother:Lee Zhang Yi. She was a mid-wife and an expert in pediatrics, psychology, religions, Zen's wisdom, women's illness and bone care. She was also a specialst in Chinese medicine and herbs. 阿母的話。 My mother’s words生涯規劃。凡事務必精心設計,成功與否應再檢討。 10歲:戲玩自然的童年,盡情歡樂田野之美,純潔無邪的好時光。 20歲:努力輕鬆的學業,專心研究學術之精,知識知慧的頂尖峰。 30歲:相敬如賓的婚姻,千年修來共枕之情,白頭偕老的好姻緣。 40歲:學有所長的事業,君子愛財應有之道,專心賺錢的為家計。 50歲:父嚴母慈的教導,身教言教並行之愛,賞罰分明的父母心。 60歲:身軀心靈的保健,身體髮膚父母之念,修心養性的天地同。 70歲:回饋社會的返照,取斯用斯不二之法,能力範圍的全佈施。 80歲:環繞世界的旅行,靜觀萬物百態之變,四時佳興的與人同。 90歲:時間空間的漫遊,與神同在宇宙之行,自強不息的天行健。 1.大膽的假設 2.細心的求證 3.務實的證明 4.彩繪的心圖。Let’s encourage one another – Plan for Your Lifetime10 years old:Play wild, enjoy childhood and years of innocence. 20 years old:Put efforts in your study and yet never forget to relax. Cultivate your scholarship. Equip yourself with knowledge and enrich yourself with wisdom. 30 years old:A marriage in which the spouses respect each other, deepen your marital relationship which, hopefully, will last a lifetime. 40 years old:Implement your learning in your profession, be ethical at work, make a living for your family’s welfare. 50 years old:Strict but just parenting, love and teach your children by example.Compliment and discipline the children when circumstances occur. 60 years old:Exercise regularly to maintain your health; exert your mind and soul. Show appreciation to your love ones and show gratitude as well. 70 years old:Give back to the society. Donate to charities and offer service of kind act. 80 years old:Travel around the world, observe the cycles of the mother nature and derive peace from within. 90 years old:Roam with time and space, journey with God in the universe and beyond. Hypothesize boldly .Seek evidence with care.Prove precisely.Color your course of life. |
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